Monday, September 23, 2013

Acetyl Fentanyl: A Deadly New Synthetic Opioid

Acetyl Fentanyl: A Deadly New Synthetic Opioid

Acetyl Fentanyl: A Deadly New Synthetic Opioid

Fourteen overdose deaths were attributed to acetyl fentanyl in Rhode Island between March and May.

Noting a significantly higher number of drug overdose deaths in Rhode Island during March 2013 compared with the monthly average the previous year (21 vs. 9), public health officials launched an investigation. Twelve decedents (10 identified in March and another 2 identified during the investigation) tested positive for acetyl fentanyl, a new synthetic opioid that is 5 times more potent than heroin. Of the 12 decedents, 10 had positive toxicology screens for other drugs of abuse. In all cases, screening toxicology testing (ELISA) was positive for fentanyl, but confirmatory testing with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was negative. Another two acetyl fentanyl overdose fatalities were identified in the state after the investigation, bringing the total to 14.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that given the high potency of acetyl fentanyl, patients who overdose may require larger doses of naloxone than are required for reversal of other opioids. As with all opioid overdoses, close monitoring through the detoxification phase is important.


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